Dear Members,
Welcome back to the Anglo-Indonesian Society’s autumn programme of events. I hope you are all keeping well and have managed to get some kind of break over the summer, despite the extraordinary circumstances. We still don’t know, of course, when we might be able to resume holding “in person” events, so for the time being we will carry on with our web-based programme, using the Zoom platform, which has proved successful so far. We get off to an exciting start on 15 September with a focus on contemporary art in Indonesia with two leading figures from the art world; then in October we switch gear and get some fascinating insights from someone working and studying at the cutting edge of vaccine research in Indonesia and the UK. Do be sure check the start times of the events as these may vary to accommodate our speakers. We will be holding a virtual AGM on 10 November (details to follow); and during the autumn we will also be welcoming a new Indonesian Ambassador to the UK. So there is a lot to look forward to – and as always we welcome your suggestions for future events.
With best wishes,
Martin Hatfull