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We had Marily Van Nevel shared with us on our last event about her work with the Sumba Hospitality Foundation (SHF). Marily is the Chief of Staff of Sumba Hospitality Foundation. The Foundation supports a boarding school, a permaculture learning farm, the Maringi hotel and spa, and a training restaurant specialised in local food.
If you missed this event, you check out the video here.
Marily Van Nevel, based out of Belgium but regularly travelling to Sumba. Working in Singapore in the corporate banking industry, Marily visited SHF as a tourist back in 2017 and later returned for a month of volunteering. Convinced that she would thrive in a more meaningful job, Marily joined the SHF team after obtaining an MBA from INSEAD in 2018. Her corporate and management experience bring a more business-and process-oriented perspective to the team. The experience she gained in Human Resources prior to joining BNP Paribas, help her streamline the recruitment and HR policies at SHF. Finally, she plays a facilitating role in all fundraising and networking activities of SHF.
Today, the Foundation supports a boarding school, a permaculture learning farm, the Maringi hotel and spa where every year 60 students practise their hospitality skills and Makan Dulu, a training restaurant specialised in local food where another 20 young people learn restaurant skills.
Click here to watch a short clip about SHF.