We are very grateful for your continued support and hope you will choose to renew – individual subscriptions remain at the same level.
On behalf of the Anglo-Indonesian Society’s Council, I hope that you have been finding the e-newsletter, events and e-talks informative and enjoyable and we thank you for being a member of the Society.
If you are an Ordinary member or a Corporate member, we hope that you will renew your membership by submitting your annual subscription for the Anglo-Indonesian Society’s financial year from 01 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. Your membership will be renewed upon receipt of the subscription.
The annual subscription due on 01 July 2020 remains: –
- £10 for Ordinary Individual Membership
- £50 for Corporate membership
As the Chairman’s note in the April newsletter made clear, we are not raising the annual subscription for ordinary individual members this year.
Many thanks to those Ordinary Individual members who pay this subscription by Standing Order or automatic direct bank transfer on 01 July annually, or thereabouts. This is our preferred way of working as it greatly helps the volunteer Membership Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. Also, in knowing by the end of July the membership income for the coming year, Council can budget for its activities more efficiently and with certainty.
We would kindly ask those Ordinary Individual Members who do NOT yet pay their subscription by Standing Order or by automatic direct bank transfer to make your subscription payment of £10 by bank transfer through your bank this July (preferably setting up an automatic payment to be paid annually in the process).
The Society’s bank details are:
Bank Account Name: The Anglo-Indonesian Society
Account No: 80522661
Sort code: 60-50-06 (NatWest Hammersmith branch)
Please state your Surname first in the payment reference section.
DO NOT email us any of your bank details in any correspondence.
Corporate members will be sent a membership renewal request and invoice in July.
Membership for Life Members will automatically renew – please let us know if you wish to change your details or membership status.
Student Membership continues (free) whilst studying. We hope that those who complete their studies and stay in the UK will convert to Ordinary membership. Please let us know when your circumstances change.
In renewing your membership, you re-confirm your agreement for the Society’s e-newsletter and special announcements to be sent to you by email using the Mailchimp distribution platform and that the Membership Secretary may contact you by email relating to membership matters. Your membership details will be kept on computer and paper record. We comply with the relevant data protection and your details will not be used except for membership purposes.
Please note that Angela Simpson has stepped down as Membership Secretary after over six years and has handed over the role to Samira Midgley. Therefore, please send henceforth any queries about membership or membership renewal to Samira via membership@angloindonesiansociety.org.
Many thanks and with best wishes
Angela Simpson and Samira Midgley
Click here to see the PDF version of this notice.