Tuesday, 13 June 2023 at 6.30pm for 6.45pm

Venue: The Indonesian Embassy, 30 Great Peter Street, Westminster London SW1P 2BU
This presentation by DrAnnabel Teh Gallop is a change to the advertised programme due to the unavailability of Jon Lambe, the British ambassador to ASEAN, who we hope will be able to speak early next year.
From the very earliest days of the arrival of Islam in Southeast Asia, Muslims from Indonesia would have undertaken the long voyage to Mecca to perform the Hajj pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of the faith. Some stayed in the Arabian peninsula
for years, studying with renowned teachers. In this talk, Dr Gallop will explore Southeast Asian experiences of the Hajj through a study of sources such as seals, letters, manuscripts, maps and pictures documenting these journeys, as well as examining depictions of the Holy Cities in the imagination and remembrance, and the souvenirs brought back.
DrGallop is head of the Southeast Asia section at the British Library. Her main research interests are in Indonesian and Malay manuscripts, letters, documents and seals, and the art of the Qur’an across the Indian Ocean world. She is also a member of the Anglo-Indonesian Society council.