Dear A-IS members,
First of all, I hope that you, your family and friends are all keeping well and coping with the strictures imposed on us by the Coronavirus emergency. It’s a real shame that it is preventing us getting together and providing you with the opportunities to engage and learn about Indonesia that we would normally hope to offer through our events programme. Our last event in early March already seems to belong to a different world!
My Council colleagues and I have, though, been thinking about how to engage more with you all using “virtual” means. First of all, we have decided to trial a short “virtual” meeting, which you can join by Zoom, on 8 May 2020 when Petty Elliott will talk about herbal teas and tonics. Details are below in the newsletter. Then, on the assumption that there will still be restrictions on gatherings in place in June, we have made arrangements to hold Ian Rowland’s 9 June talk on environmental management by Zoom as well. We will also shortly be asking members to contribute reminiscences of Indonesia in the first few decades after independence, as part of our efforts to mark 75 years of Independence in August: details to follow.
We recognise, though, that none of this can substitute for our normal programme. So we have also decided not to implement this year the increase in the Ordinary Individual membership subscription for the Society which we announced at last year’s AGM. So the subscription which will fall due on 1 July this year will remain at £10. We greatly value your support and we hope very much that you will decide to renew your membership, so that we can enjoy a full programme of activities together when things have returned to normal. We will send the usual renewal notice shortly.
Once again, I send my very best wishes for your health and happiness during this extraordinary time, and especially to those observing the holy month of Ramadan.
Martin Hatfull,
Chairman, Anglo-Indonesian Society